Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Down in the Dumps :(

I am 80% idealistic, 20% realistic. Like the Pareto principle in a different context.  I work hard to be the ideal person, ideal daughter, ideal sibling, ideal student, ideal teacher, ideal friend, ideal lover... Name all the roles... I strive hard to be that ideal persona but I use a facade to cover the idealism in me. I am a happy-go-lucky, typical girl-next-door but rarely can anyone notice the amount of extremism hidden beneath.

I am deeply saddened by something that I found out. I am an activist as well. but a silent one. I salute this person's ideals and battles til the very end. It was not a useless death - it was noble and worthy of praise. You fought, you died, but you lived it well. Kudos! 

May your story wreck the apathy of this selfie generation...

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

4 Years & Counting...

I was too preoccupied with work that I did not have the chance to make some mushy gushy stuff for our 4th yr anniversary. Still lucky, bf gave me something I don't really need at the moment but pretty useful for boring and nerdy days. 

*Ich liebe dich*

P.S. I'm writing this so I won't break my self-imposed creed. Sorry. Will find time to write more meaningful and well-thought posts next time :(

Sunday, June 30, 2013


Been crazy busy as a bee this June. Things I've been up to lately:

  • Teaching
  • Studying
  • Internship
  • Freelancing

Will substantiate when I have more time. Sorry too short post. Hoping to get a life soon. :)

Friday, May 31, 2013

Right to Suffrage

May 13, 2013 - national elections came. Took me approximately 3 hours to wait and fall in line under the scourging heat of the sun. People were agitated and impatient for their turn to vote. Me? Was cheerfully talking to the ones before and after me. I used my special skills in socializing to make people feel less irritated with the system of election our country has. 3 hours seemed like 3 minutes because I killed the time with my jokes, small talks and some amount of positivity. 

I didn't get the chance to take a picture of my finger with an indelible ink this election but my friends and I took this photo when we exercised our right to suffrage back in 2010.

Despite the long hours of waiting, it was still all worth it. After voting, I felt a sense of accomplishment knowing that my one single vote already made a big difference.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

No Place Like Home

I've been away from my homeland - Cebu for almost a year now. Went home last weekend to attend my bf's graduation and meet some good old friends. Also visited our house to check our newly renovated kitchen. The title sums everything for April. :)

BF Graduation Day! ("('-')") 
Graduation Day finally came after excruciating years of academic life.

Dinner with friends... :) 
Eat, talk, laugh... 

I'm home! ^__^

My sisters adopted a new pup... she's still nameless. Mom wants to call her Lyka... My sisters want to call her Casey, KC, and the list goes on. They just can't seem to agree with one cute name... :p

Sunday, February 24, 2013

On Being Sick

If I am to sum up my life in February = SICK! 

It's been ages since I experienced an unbearable pain, fever, headache and nausea. Back in college, I was afflicted with acute bronchitis and now it's pharyngitis. I totally forgot the feeling of being terribly sick until this month. February was no luck for me. I was supposed to enjoy the Chinese New Year prosperity, Valentines LOVE and all the pizzazz this month has to offer but I didn't. Was bed ridden for nearly a week, unproductive, inactive and bored! The disease had taken its toll on me and I desperately wanted it to be over. 

After much reflection, I've come to a conclusion that my body needs rest. Being sick is my body's protest against my abusive habits! I work for more than 15 hours a day, sitting the entire day in front of my PC, working 7 days a week! Such an immobile and sedentary life. Who doesn't get sick with that lifestyle? In half a year, I've grown a bigger belly, developed swollen and tortuous varicose veins, suffered recurring back pains, daily migraine, hyperacidity & many other body pains I refuse to listen to because my brain cells are too busy to care! So there... I'm becoming unhealthy! I have to take good care of my health because this cliche still holds true today -> "HEALTH is WEALTH" Yes, I am earning more than what I need at the expense of my body's condition but if I get a serious health problem, all the money I've worked so hard to get will be put to waste.

Having a sickness is not absolutely negative in itself as it gives you better insight of what needs to be done before it gets even worse. 

Now, I am happy to say that I am fully committed to doing exercise for 15-30 minutes a day. Need to sweat, eat & sleep well before my youth deteriorates faster than normal.

I learned a great deal from this experience, I hope you did too after reading this post!

Looking forward to a healthier and still wealthier MARCH! - birthday is coming! :)

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Carpe Diem!

I thought the year started with a bang when I traveled overseas. It did, but it was short-lived. 2013 greeted me with a bigger bang, a heart-wrenching news - a close friend in coma and in less than a week, she passed away. :( 

Tragic and sad but I felt a sort of liberation knowing that she's in good hands now. She will never be in pain ever again.  See you when I see you my friend...

Here's a tribute I made for you!

After a week or so, I thought I'd be able to recover from the depressed state but it escalated to a higher degree when another colleague died. Another sudden death, unexpected, unbelievable, scary and depressing with a bigger impact! :(

2 deaths in January 2013! The year is really getting off to a bad start. The thoughts of being sick and dying scared the hell out of me. But death reminds us of our mortality... we too, no matter how healthy, rich and powerful we can be, may still die any time, any day, any month or year... We will never know... 

So it's time to seize every moment of our lives!

Carpe Diem must be a good mantra to start the Year of the Water Snake!

*Part of my yearly bucket list is to write at least once a month and so here I am trying to strictly abide by the self-made rules. What's in store for me next month? Chinese New Year? Valentines Day? Naaah...<3