Monday, January 9, 2012

Counting My Blessings!

I'm supposed to write my year end report before January like how I used to do way back when Friendster blog was still kickin but failed to do so because I was preoccupied with other stuff. Like cleaning up the mess in my room, everything's scattered til now...for the took me more than a day to clean this filthy, mice-infested dungeon! Despite these odd things in life, I have so much to thank God for...

2011 was my year, I must say! Though astrologically, 2012, year of the Dragon, is my year! I don't normally look forward because I don't treat such act with whopping optimism. There's something in "looking back" that's mysterious and magical...even if events already happened, fortunes were claimed, a year had passed and life was never the same...I don't count golden chicks before the white eggs are hatched so here I am...counting my blessings this 2011! 
1) Bought a netbook for myself! Thanks to my Sister Julie! She paid half of it.
2) Passed the board exam! I'm now a licensed teacher!
3) Got a new and exciting job! 
4) First international the land of the Merlion!
5) Dared to wear 2-pc in Boracay! (Call me loser! But yeah, that should be my first & last defiance against conservatism!)
6) Spent Christmas with Mom's relatives from the other side of the planet! 
7) Made a random act of kindness to a stranger. Feels good to be secretly altruistic in the most unexpected circumstance!
8) My siblings are precious pieces of me! We are still intact despite the grueling family issues.
9) My bf, never gave up on me? That should make me one lucky girl!
10) I'm still youthful, dainty, and lovely as ever! (Beauty is a choice!)

I couldn't be happier, healthier and wealthier...with LOVE and intangible gifts!


  1. Cardiac overload to da MAXXXX Naks! :)

  2. Cardiac overload jed? hehe. Aunt Julie na rabah ka padung..hahahahaha..mao nay maka cardiac overload! ^^

  3. Nice your blog....cha how much do you earn in your blog every month?

  4. Hi Maam Eve! Sadly, I don't monetize my blog. hehe. I only do it for leisure at the moment. Prolly in the future...doesn't generate much traffic yet...^^

  5. Thankyou for stopping by my blog. I also like the mushroom shapped "Burrs" - I have seen some wonderful dishes and sculptures made from the Tree Burr's. The wood from the Tree Burr is one of the hardest in the world.
    I have briefly looked at a few things on your blog and enjoyed your 10 accomplishments. You seem like a lovely person, kind .
    I will drop back again

    1. Hi Lilly,

      Thanks for dropping by as well. I did not expect that you'd visit my not-so-fancy blog. Thanks for the uplifting words. Never really got the chance to update this blog often. Sorry for the brevity of words. I'm kind of ashamed of myself for receiving such acknowledgment from a pro writer like you.



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