Sunday, February 24, 2013

On Being Sick

If I am to sum up my life in February = SICK! 

It's been ages since I experienced an unbearable pain, fever, headache and nausea. Back in college, I was afflicted with acute bronchitis and now it's pharyngitis. I totally forgot the feeling of being terribly sick until this month. February was no luck for me. I was supposed to enjoy the Chinese New Year prosperity, Valentines LOVE and all the pizzazz this month has to offer but I didn't. Was bed ridden for nearly a week, unproductive, inactive and bored! The disease had taken its toll on me and I desperately wanted it to be over. 

After much reflection, I've come to a conclusion that my body needs rest. Being sick is my body's protest against my abusive habits! I work for more than 15 hours a day, sitting the entire day in front of my PC, working 7 days a week! Such an immobile and sedentary life. Who doesn't get sick with that lifestyle? In half a year, I've grown a bigger belly, developed swollen and tortuous varicose veins, suffered recurring back pains, daily migraine, hyperacidity & many other body pains I refuse to listen to because my brain cells are too busy to care! So there... I'm becoming unhealthy! I have to take good care of my health because this cliche still holds true today -> "HEALTH is WEALTH" Yes, I am earning more than what I need at the expense of my body's condition but if I get a serious health problem, all the money I've worked so hard to get will be put to waste.

Having a sickness is not absolutely negative in itself as it gives you better insight of what needs to be done before it gets even worse. 

Now, I am happy to say that I am fully committed to doing exercise for 15-30 minutes a day. Need to sweat, eat & sleep well before my youth deteriorates faster than normal.

I learned a great deal from this experience, I hope you did too after reading this post!

Looking forward to a healthier and still wealthier MARCH! - birthday is coming! :)