Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Down in the Dumps :(

I am 80% idealistic, 20% realistic. Like the Pareto principle in a different context.  I work hard to be the ideal person, ideal daughter, ideal sibling, ideal student, ideal teacher, ideal friend, ideal lover... Name all the roles... I strive hard to be that ideal persona but I use a facade to cover the idealism in me. I am a happy-go-lucky, typical girl-next-door but rarely can anyone notice the amount of extremism hidden beneath.

I am deeply saddened by something that I found out. I am an activist as well. but a silent one. I salute this person's ideals and battles til the very end. It was not a useless death - it was noble and worthy of praise. You fought, you died, but you lived it well. Kudos! 

May your story wreck the apathy of this selfie generation...